Bracelets with Logos (+ Game of Thrones)

I have been thinking about certain jewelry trends for 2014. Something that seems to be in trend now is bracelets or cuffs with logos and expressions. Here are my top picks:

This trend can also be found in other pieces of jewelry.

I am also a big fan of ombre stuff. Of course the trend in tops, jeans and dresses has been going around for a while. However, since last year the ombre trend has extended to manes and jewelry.

Finally, I would like to make some comments about the season premiere of Game of Thrones. First, Two Swords was a an amazing episode. The producers and writers really excelled this time. I simply could not take my eyes away from the screen. Here are the highlights.

  • Tywin Lannister: I felt like killing him for melting down Ice, the ancestral great sword of House Stark made of Valyrian steel, in order to have two swords for the Lannisters. That was not proper since the sword should have been given to Sansa as the only known surviving Stark.  I loved how the background music started with the Stark theme song followed by the Lannister song (Rains of Castamere).
  • Oberyn Martell: The introduction for this character was great. Two important sides of him were shown in a small amount of time: his bisexual orientation and his badass fighting skills. Through him the viewer also learnt a little bit of the background story: the fact that Rhaegar Targaryen left his sister, Elia, for Lyanna Stark. The viewer also becomes aware that he does not like the Lannisters since Tywin is suspected for the deaths of Elia and her children making it possible for Cersei to become the queen. Later on viewers will realize that Tywin wanted all his life for Cersei to marry Rhaegar. However, Elia was selected over Cersei by Aerys (and it has been speculated that Rhaegar had a say in this choice).
  • Cersei – Jaime: The love between them is dying. Sincerely, Cersei never loved Jaime. She just loves herself and nobody else (and that includes her children). She is aware of a prophecy that specifies that all her children will die before her, but she does not do anything about it (for example she did not follow Ned Stark’s advise to leave with her children). The reason why she engages in a sexual relationship with Jaime is due to her being narcissist. She sees Jaime, her twin, as a reflection of herself.
  • The White Book or The Book of Brothers:This is the scene in which Joffrey is telling Jaime that he has not accomplished great deeds as other past members of the Kingsguard. Basically, Joffrey is comparing Jaime to two great honourable knights, Ser Duncan the Tall and Ser Arthur Dayne. Ser Duncan the Tall is Dunk from Martin’s Tales of Dunk and Egg that I mentioned in a thread almost four weeks ago. Arthur Dayne was Rhaegar’s best friend and if you take a close-up of the details specified in The Book of Brothers, he died somewhere in Dorne fighting Eddard Stark. The exact location is not given but book readers know the location: the Tower of Joy. I am of the belief that House Dayne (whose members are extremely good looking) will play an important role towards the end of the series. 
  • The Dusk rose, Lady’s lace, Harpy’s gold: The blue rose, known as the dusk rose in the show, is associated with Lyanna Stark. She was fond of them, and they are known as the winter rose in the books. According to the show, the interesting thing is that the dusk rose is used to cure fever. Lyanna Stark died of a fever (I am not going to give details of what caused it because it will be a huge spoiler). Lady’s lace is a contraceptive. Harpy’s gold is poisonous and I believe it is reference to the Lannisters, mainly Cersei.
  • Sansa’s necklace: It think the necklace given to her by Ser Dontos will replace the hairnet that Sansa will be wearing to the Purple Wedding (I do not want to comment more about this since it will be a huge spoiler). Ser Dontos is actually working for one of the major players of the game of thrones.
  • Arya and the Hound: They have become the most loved characters in the show due to their lines and them being badass. The scene in which Arya kills Polliver is based on a newly released chapter from The Winds of Winter, the sixth book of the series currently being written. Here is the link to the chapter: Excerpt from the winds of winter.
Another fashion update will be coming soon. 
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