Outlander DIA Reread: My Favourite Quotes and What They Foreshadow

Note: This post only includes passages from Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Quotes / Passages

“Jamie, you can’t hurt it. It’s no bigger than the tip of my finger yet.” . . .

“You’re sure?” he asked. “I mean . . . I keep thinking he wouldna like being jounce about . . .” (Dragonfly in Amber, ch. 6)

This dialogue belongs to the opening scene of Part 2, chapter 6. The scene has a little bit of sex. I selected it because it hints the suffering that the miscarriage of Faith will bring to both Jamie and Claire.

. . . “I would do anything for ye . . . and yet . . . there’s nothing I can do. It doesna matter how strong I am, or how willing; I canna go with you where ye must go . . . nor even help ye at all. And to think of the things that might happen, and me helpless to stop them . . . aye, I’m afraid, Sassenach (Dragonfly in Amber, ch. 6).

Jamie is referring to how scared and helpless he feels when it comes to Claire giving birth. This fear is justified by the fact that his mother died at childbirth. However, the phrase also foreshadows their separation of 20 years. Claire will travel back to her time, and Jamie will not know whether they will meet again. In those 20 years, he will be concerned for the fate of his wife and child.

. . . But what is it the Bible says, Sassenach? ‘Put not your trust in princes’?” He rose and kissed me quickly on the brow, tucking the ring back in his sporran. “Who am I to ignore the word of God, eh?” (Dragonfly in Amber, ch. 6)

This is a reference to Prince Charlie being charismatic and people believing in him. However, charisma is not enough for success. Towards the end, he abandons his people.

“They’re the color of verra fine whisky, wi’ the sun shining through them from behind. I thought this morning they looked like sherry, but I was wrong. Not sherry. Not brandy. It’s whisky. That’s what it is.” (Dragonfly in Amber, ch. 6)

This is a beautiful reference to Claire’s eyes.


Gabaldon, Diana. Dragonfly in Amber. New York: Bantam Dell, 1993. Print.

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