Claire’s Admission to Being Infertile in “The Watch”

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One of the main highlights of “The Watch” was the scene in which Claire confesses to Jamie about her infertility. It was intense and beautifully acted. One can see Claire’s grief and guilt in her face. She feels sorry for not being able to provide what Jamie wants: children. Of course, she wanted to tell him before their marriage but her mind was set to go back to Frank at that time. She never thought she could fall in love with Jamie: “I never counted on loving you.” Jamie accepts the fact the she is barren, but he is disappointed and heartbroken. His reply to Claire is soothing though: “I can bear pain myself, but I couldna bear yours. It would take more strength than I have.” This comment is reminiscent of a dialogue between him and Claire in The Fiery Cross (514)

“For my sake,” he said firmly, addressing the air in front of him as though it were a tribunal, “I dinna want ye to bear another child. I wouldna risk your loss, Sassenach,” he said, his voice suddenly husky. “Not for a dozen bairns. I’ve  daughters and sons, nieces and nephews, grandchildren – weans enough.”

He looked at me directly then, and spoke softly.

“But I’ve no life but you, Claire.”

He swallowed audibly, and went on, eyes fixed on mine.

“I did think, though …… if ye do want another child ……. perhaps I could still give ye one.”

It is obvious that Jamie opts to have Claire instead of kids. This reminds me about something I learned years ago while taking the marriage preparation courses that the Catholic Church offers. The priest taught me that in a marriage the spouse comes before the kids in every choice. When I discussed this teaching with one of my sisters-in-law, she mentioned as an example the life-and-death situation in which a husband has to choose between his pregnant wife and the child. The proper thing for the husband to do is to choose his wife. Obviously Jamie makes the choice that the sacrament of marriage requires him to do- he chooses his wife. Similarly, Claire decides to join Jamie, her other husband, after her first one, Frank, dies. Basically she chooses Jamie over Brianna, whom she leaves behind in the 20th century in Voyager

By choosing Claire over having children, Jamie in fact is blessed with many kids. Of course, he has his own children, Brianna and Willie, even though he never experienced the joy in raising them since they were raised by other men. However, he raised Fergus whom he adopted. In this way he resembles both Frank and Lord John. He also has a good relationship with his stepdaughter, Marsali. Furthermore, his nephew, Young Ian, is like a son to him. He misses him greatly when Young Ian goes to live with the Mohawk. So far based on my readings, most of them have given him grandchildren. Young Ian, Marsali and Fergus are like a compensation for those moments in which he could not spend time with Claire, Brianna and Willie.

Excerpt from 

Gabaldon, Diana. The Fiery Cross. New York: Bantam Dell, 2001. Print.

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