More Crop Tops and Game of Thrones’ Casting for Season 5

This post is basically an extension of my post from last week. Crop tops are very popular now, and the good news is that they can be worn by almost everybody with a decent weight. Basically they vary in length. Some of them are snug and others are loose. I like them a little bit loose like a tee. I also like to show a little bit of skin too. Here are few buying choices:

Now it is time to speculate Game of Thrones’ Casting for the fifth season. The leaked casting list has brought my attention to two characters: Maggy the Frog and Areo Hotah. I will speculate a little bit about them. I will discuss more about other characters in future posts (and I will try my best to keep my posts spoiler-free).

Maggy the Frog: She is a very minor character in the series. She is basically a witch that can foretell the future. She is the one that prophesied Cersei’s fall and death. In the books, Cersei was already a cruel child when she heard Maggy’s prophesy. So far, the show has not done any flashback scenes, and I am not sure how the producers / writers will  deal with this scene. I believe that Bran Stark might see this through the weirwood network. Greenseers can really see everything without requiring the presence of a weirwood tree everywhere. They can see the past, the present and the future. Maggy’s prophesy is the reason behind Cersei’s paranoia and madness, and mistreatment of Tyrion. I believe I am the only person happy about this because it will explain Cersei’s actions to the viewers. Lots of readers are not happy that this character will be casted though.

Areo Hotah: He is the captain of guards of Prince Doran Martell, the ruler of Dorne. He is from the free-city of Norvos in Essos, and came to Dorne with Mellario of Norvos when she married Prince Doran. The interesting thing is that the casting team is looking for a black actor, which means that Prince Doran’s children could be of mixed race / ethnicity. I guess we will have to wait and see.

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